Hotch Potch — brand identitet craft pivovare

We created and positioned a new craft beer brand to stand out in the cluttered niche. Craft brewery usually stands for small, independent and traditional. They may be small and independent, but not traditional at all. They have the knowledge, the chemistry, the guts and the vision. They won all the prizes they were running for, presenting the thirsty community with the most unusual combinations of aromas. We named them HotchPotch and positioned as an experimental brewery. We also developed a distinct brand visual language which can create endless variations, supporting each new magical potion that comes out of the brewery.

Hotch Potch visual language creates endless variations, supporting each new magical potion that comes out of the brewery.

Creative team
Mirna Ptiček (visual identity & beer label design)
Jelena Babić (brand strategy & naming)

Hotch Potch Brewery