Fond NEK Visual Identity

I worked on the first visual identity for the “Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of Krško NPP radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel” in 2008 and then again in 2021 when the Fund needed a visual identity refresh. The process included work on a possible upgrade and a more significant shift from the existing sign and system. Still, after considering the options, the Fund stayed loyal to its first identity while upgrading the elements and relations in the visual system and the standards. With this refresh, the Fond NEK identity has become one of the longest-lasting identities I’ve worked on. Given the importance of the institution and the topic it deals with, consistency and steadiness in every visual change are fully justified, which confirms that the context is crucial when deciding on the degree of the brand identity remake. Other proposed options are a part of the case study below.

Case study — the broader picture
Before defining the direction to take, the analysis and possible upgrades of the visual identity required a step back towards the initial construction of the original Fond NEK sign. The proposals developed during the process were looking for a sign with an increased communicative capacity and a dynamic identity system. We would draw the system from the sign element and derive it without losing the meaning and direct associations from the original identity we wanted to keep. Making a full circle, we explored the options to return closer to the core identity and keep working within the original Fond NEK concept.

Art direction & Design
Mirna Ptiček

Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of Krško NPP radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel